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Renault 5 Turbo 2 Europacup Replica


For sale a Renault 5 Turbo2, replica Europacup Ragnotti 1982.

The car was use for trackdays or historic rallyes and hill climb...

She as his Devil roll bar original, and adjustable damper.

The motor has a camshaft 200HP and direct exhaust.

The body paint need to be refresh, but the car has no rust.

The car come with brake pads Mintex, 1 set of rims Elia with rain tyre Michelin, 1 set of slick tyre Michelin, 1 set of original rims TRX Michelin, 1 RHD streering rack if you whant to make convertion, and other small parts.

The car is from 1983, with a V5, she as never been registred in France because of the technical inspection who not allowed race car.

Contact by mail or whatsapp for more pictures

Keyword Search Terms:

R5 Turbo Turbo2 T2 RENAULT 5 T1 rally hill climb trackdays track race car historic europacup


Item Location: Limoges France
Seller: vincent 87000
Joined November 2024
  vincent chocroun
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Country: France
City: Limoges
Phone: +33688426400
Condition Used
Trade or Private: Private
Price: €60,000
Added: 30/11/2024
Views: 1338

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