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Burgers Race Trailers

$ 32,500

Mazda RX-7 GT2/GT3 - SOLD

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Mazda RX7 GT2/GT3 with 12a that puts out 255hp,

Fresh powder coated chassis.
All new interior panels.
Motor back new stainless exhaust system.
New brake rotors and pads.
New Master cylinders.
AP calipers
New fuel cell.
Fresh ( dyno time only) Mandeville PPort 12a (dry sump)
New fire system
4 sets of wheels - 2 pannasport / 2 Revolution 16”
Saenz 840TC transmission
Spare Saenz 840 TC
4:86 Ford 9” diff with 4 link
cockpit adjustable sway bar.
New Startlite plumbing.



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