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VW Polo MK4 Rallycross 2.0liter - SOLD


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Engine:    VW 2.0 FSI – 265hp (198 Kw) 245NM 
Transmission: Sadev ST82-14 – Sequential 6 speed racing 
Clutch:    AP Racing Ceramic twin plate 
Electronics: Computer controlled EFI EURO 4 
Body parts: Glass fiber, kevlar or carbon 
Chassis:  Front MacPherson type made by Blue Engineering 
                Rear    Independent arms made by Blue Engineering 
Suspension: Reiger 2 way adjustable 
Brakes: Front and Rear – AP Racing 
Fuel tank: MeriN carbon 
Wheels:    Speedline 17“ – 18“ 
Weight:    1000kg including the driver 
Built by: Blue Engineering in Czech Republic 
Car is also for rent, 7500 eur. 
For full competition service or any additional information, please contact the administration.


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