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AstaCar Race Trailers


Eibach springs new


Brand new eibach ers springs

lengh: 6,00 in

diameter : 2,25 in

differents rates: 1200/1400/1600/1800/2000/2200 lbs/in

part number / quantity aviable:

-0600-225-1200: 50 springs

-0600-225-1400: 6 springs

-0600-225-1600: 8 springs

-0600-225-1800: 60 springs

-0600-225-2000: 40 springs

-0600-225-2200: 90 springs

price 40€ each discount on the lot 

Keyword Search Terms:

eibach springs


Item Location: France
Seller: Antoine P
Joined November 2006
  PERDREAU Antoine
Seller's other ads
Country: France
City: orleans
Phone: +33615794681
Condition New
Trade or Private: Private
Price: €POA
Make an Offer
Added: 29/01/2025
Views: 156

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