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Connaught Competition Engines

£ 225

13" wheels & rim sections - SOLD


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WHEELS - all 13" 

1 set 6s(F) & 8s(R) Aleycat Rallye Special crosspoke alloy wheels - 3.75(95mm) PCD...£225.00

1 set 7.5s (F)& 10s(R) Revolution 4 spoke alloys 3.75(95mm) PCD
( fronts have slotted 3.75-4.00 pcd bolt holes).......................................£200.00

1 pair Revolution 8.0x13 - 3.75(95mm)PCD - from FF2000 rear -centrelock .. £60.00
(One is good condition & one has welded repair)

1 pair DYMAG 1970/80s 4 spoke 8x13 magnesium F3 front wheels - 3.75(95mm) pcd...£200.00

1 Wolfrace 8x13 - 4.0"(101.6mm) pcd...........£30.00

1 Minilite replica 8x13 - 4.0"(101.6mm) pcd..........£35.00

1 Minilite replica 6x13 - 4.0"(101.6mm) pcd..........£30.00

RIM SECTIONS - ALL 18 bolt Revolution/Compomotive etc

Pair 1.0". outer..................£40.00
1 x.1.75" outer..................£20.00
1 x. 1.5. outer..................£20.00

07703 162409.

Keyword Search Terms:

13" wheels/revolution/FF2000/

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