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Airjack safety stands/Elephant feet


- CNC machined

- Lightweight construction

- Tested on variety of cars

- Custom made so all dimensions can be changed.

- Ertalon sleeve centering and protecting air jack from scratches.

Light weight elephant feet with safety stands for various air jacks and cars.

Manufactured individualy for each customer, so we can adapt to your air jack travel, diameter. 


We use 6082-t6 aluminum to ensure durability and strentgh of all unit. Ertalon sleeve used for centering and protecting air jack from scratches (no direct aluminum to metal friction). We can also offer 2nd lift fixes and also skates to move the car around easily.

1 Elephant feet + safety stand = 295Eur ex VAT

Custom made for all types of air jacks.



Keyword Search Terms:

Air jack safety stand elephant feet


Item Location: Lithuania
Seller: NPParts
Joined February 2015
  NP Parts
Seller's other ads
Country: Lithuania
City: Kaunas
Phone: +37067414147
Condition New
Trade or Private: Private
Price: €295+VAT
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Added: 31/10/2024
Views: 3183

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