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Gearbox - Sadev ST90 / F9012334 - NEW! - SOLD

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Sadev ST90 gearbox for VW Group - NEW!
Great opportunity
Sadev ST90 gearbox for VW Group, with the possibility of adapting it to any other make and model.  Gearbox input shaft spline 1.00” x 23

At an unrepeatable price, don't let it slip out of your hands.You will not find new units at this price.

Technical Specifications

"Saldo" product due to disuse or obsolescence.
Real Decreto-ley 20/2012, de 13 de julio, «Artículo 28. Concepto.
Se considera venta de saldos la de productos cuyo valor de mercado aparezca mani-fiestamente disminuido a causa del deterioro, desperfecto, desuso u obsolescencia de losmismos, sin que un producto tenga esta consideración por el solo hecho de ser un exce-dente de producción o de temporada.

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We are Official Partners of the Volkswagen Group. We sell spare parts for racing and sports cars.

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